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Voter Information

The Arkansas Secretary of State’s website contains helpful voter information, including how to register, proper paperwork, and how to complete the process.

Click below for links to that information.

You can also contact your County Clerk for specific details.

SEE RESULTS of 2022 General Election here.

To register to vote in the State of Arkansas, you must:

* Be a U.S. citizen
* Be an Arkansas resident
* Be age 18 or turn 18 on or before the next election
* Not be a convicted felon whose sentence has not been discharged or pardoned
* Not be presently adjudged as mentally incompetent as to your ability to vote by a court of competent jurisdiction

You must fill out a paper Voter Registration application: Voter Registration Application (English) Voter Registration Application (Spanish)

You can also get a Voter Registration application from your local CountyClerk, DMV or Revenue office, public library, military recruitment office, or disability agency. You can get an application sent to you through USPS mail.

You must submit your application, or have it postmarked, at least 30 days prior to an election to cast your ballot in that election. The County Clerk will issue you a Voter Registration card when your registration is complete, or you can confirm your registration status at your County Clerk’s office.

To be qualified to vote an absentee ballot, you must meet one of the following:    
  • You will be unavoidably absent from your polling site on Election Day, OR
  • You will be unable to attend your polling site on Election Day due to illness or physical disability, OR
  • You are a member of the uniformed services, Merchant Marines, or the spouse or a dependent family member, and are away from your polling location due to the member’s active duty status, OR
  • You are a U.S. citizen whose residence is in Arkansas but who is temporarily living outside the United States.

You can get an application for an absentee ballot at your local County Clerk’s office or download the application from the Arkansas Secretary of State’s website.

Your absentee ballot can be mailed, or can be submitted in person or by a designated bearer or administrator.

If mailed, your absentee ballot must be received at the County Clerk’s office by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day. If delivered to the County Clerk’s office by a designated bearer or authorized agent, the absentee ballot must be received by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.

If you are a Uniformed Service Member or Merchant Marine, a spouse of a uniformed service member, or an American citizen residing outside of the United States, here’s more information on voting absentee in Arkansas.


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