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Justice Reform

We strongly believe that all legal proceedings should be conducted and adjudicated based solely on the United States Constitution, the Arkansas Constitution and the statutory and case law framework of federal and state law, without reference to or influence by any foreign law.

Both federal and Arkansas law require juveniles and adult offenders be held separately. We support age-appropriate juvenile programs that are coupled with crime-appropriate terms of confinement. These programs and this confinement must be carried out in a humane manner.

Arkansas Republicans believe that crime victims must have a voice throughout the criminal justice process. We support efforts to incorporate crime victims’ rights into our justice system and that they be honored by law enforcement and the judiciary.

Parole & Probation

Significant changes to parole and probation systems still need to continue in order to support the mission of public safety. We support the ending of furloughs for those who have been convicted of and incarcerated for violent crimes. Our prisons should place an emphasis on both incarceration for punishment and rehabilitation efforts during that incarceration. We support the expansion of private sector efforts and community support for the employment of offenders who have fulfilled their sentences as tools to help with the reintegration of offenders into society and to avoid recidivism.

Capital punishment, when properly applied, is a punishment for a particular crime and a deterrent to others and should be used swiftly following an inmate’s last appeal. We support consideration of alternative methods consistent with constitutional protections in the event the state’s current method becomes untenable.

Substance abuse continues to tear apart our way of life across all socioeconomic levels. We support a balanced approach to fighting illegal drug abuse that includes tough law enforcement, effective drug education efforts, and the continued expansion of drug treatment with accountability and effective drug court programs. We oppose decriminalization of dangerous drugs including marijuana. We applaud and support the efforts of government leaders to combat the scourge of opioid abuse.

Tort Reform

We believe health care costs can be reduced by tort reform. Medical liability regulations and statutes should be revised by limiting the circumstances under which such cases may be properly pursued and the extent of damage claims involving pain and suffering. As such, we strongly support medical tort liability reform through an amendment to the state constitution. We further support the creation of a legal environment for pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs and lower costs to consumers.


We believe in God, country, and family. We are focused on a better future for Faulkner County, Arkansas, and our country! Join together with like-minded conservatives and stand up for the Republican values that make our country great.

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Website by JEDCO


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