Faulkner County Republican Women: October The Republican Women meet monthly to hear pertinent speakers and conduct business surrounding their various community and fundraising projects. (You don't need to…
Save the Date! Our 2nd Annual Freedom Feast fundraiser is set for Monday, October 7, 2024. Contact Chair Jason Bollinger at 501 581 1605 for more information and…
Faulkner Co. GOP Executive Committee - October The Executive Committee of the Faulkner County Republican Committee typically meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm…
Early Voting Begins Today Early voting begins today and continues until Tuesday, November 5, for the 2024 General Election. Visit VoteFaulkner.com for details on locations, dates, and results.
Gun Show: Conway JOIN us at our booth to campaign for our candidates and recruit members at the G&S Gun Show on Saturday and Sunday. We have volunteer…
Faulkner County Republicans: October Join like-minded conservative voters every month at our regular meetings. Come at 6pm to eat and socialize. Meeting begins at 6:30 pm with our…