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Congressman Hill Talks Taiwan, China Deterrence with Financial Bills in House Committees

As a member of both the House Financial Services and House Foreign Affairs Committees, Congressman French Hill reports these committees have passed various bills during committee markup to combat the threat posed by China’s leaders.

Hill has reintroduced two financial services bills, H.R. 554, Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act, and H.R. 555, SAVE Act, that are “one step closer to becoming law,” Hill reports. “These pieces of legislation will signal to the CCP that any hostile act towards Taiwan will result in financial sanctions against Chinese leaders and their families and will provide our country with a more strategic plan if we were to endure another public health crisis,” he said.

He continued:

Americans can also take steps to push back on China in their own lives. Eliminating the use of TikTok on your home Wi-Fi and encouraging the businesses that you work with to make sure they have a diverse supply chain that is not dependent on China are just some of the ways ordinary Americans can take steps to protect themselves. With China increasing their military, it is time to act now. I, alongside my Republican colleagues, will continue to combat the threat of the Communist Party of China and confront our largest geopolitical challenge head on.

Watch Hill’s remarks HERE for the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act and HERE for the SAVE Act.


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