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Arkansas Supreme Court Lifts Ban on Mask Mandates but Questions Remain

“The Arkansas Supreme Court … lifted a judge’s decision to strike down a ban on mask mandates by public schools and government entities. But attorneys disagreed over whether the ruling will allow the state to begin enforcing the law.

“Justices vacated a Pulaski County judge’s ruling against the ban, which Arkansas’ Republican lawmakers and governor want to reinstate, but did not weigh in on the constitutionality of the 2021 law. (…)

“Tom Mars, an attorney who represented parents challenging Arkansas’ law said an earlier ruling temporarily blocking the ban remained in effect. (…)

“But Attorney General Tim Griffin, a Republican, said that Thursday’s decision means no injunctions against the law remain once the Supreme Court’s ruling takes effect.

“I remain committed to defending the constitutionality of the ban on mask mandates,” Griffin said in a statement. “This is an important victory.” (…)

Former Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, signed the ban into law but later said he regretted that decision and has said he agreed with Fox’s initial ruling against the ban. [Arkansas Governor Sarah] Sanders last week said she was reversing the official position of the governor’s office on the ban, saying she believed the measure was constitutional….

READ MORE about the ban and the earlier court decisions and results at

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