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Republicans Eye “Climate-Obsessed” ESG

“House Republicans launched an investigation … probing whether major climate groups that spearhead the “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG) movement are violating antitrust laws.

“In a letter sent to executives of the Steering Committee for Climate Action 100+, Republicans led by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan are demanding a treasure trove of documents that illustrate the coalition’s network of influence. Climate Action 100+, they wrote, “seems to work like a cartel to ‘ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.’”

“Woke corporations are collectively adopting and imposing progressive policy goals that American consumers do not want or do not need. An individual company’s use of corporate resources for progressive aims might violate fiduciary duties or other laws, harming its viability and alienating consumers,” Republicans warned. “But when companies agree to work together to punish disfavored views or industries, or to otherwise advance environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, this coordinated behavior may violate the antitrust laws and harm American consumers.” …

READ MORE about the Republicans’ investigation and Climate Action 100+ at the House Judiciary website.


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