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Watchdog Eyes WH for Deleting Tweet

” … watchdog Protect the Public’s Trust [has] called for an investigation into a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act (PRA). The Biden Administration’s decision to delete a tweet on the official @WhiteHouse account that Twitter added context to may have run afoul of this law, little known outside the government until recent events involving a former president.

“On the afternoon of November 1, 2022, the White House official twitter account posted, “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership.” Shortly thereafter, in response to reader feedback, Twitter added additional context to the tweet by clarifying that the record increase was an automatic adjustment, per a 1972 law, tied to the inflation rate, which in June reached a 40-year high and which many blame on administration policies. The White House deleted the tweet on November 3….”

READ MORE about this possible violation of the Presidential Records Act (PRA) at

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


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