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Cody Hiland Nominated for RPA Chair

Former U.S. Attorney Cody Hiland of Little Rock has been nominated by Republican gubernatorial nominee Sarah Huckabee Sanders and endorsed by U.S. Senator Tom Cotton to be next Chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas. On December 3 the state Republican party will elect its next chairman to serve for the next two years.

In a written statement, current Chairman Jonelle Fulmer said it’s time for new leadership and she supports Sanders’ nomination of Hiland. Sanders’ written statement says “Cody Hiland has proven himself as a highly respected, tough on crime U.S. Attorney and he has my full support to lead the Republican Party of Arkansas, elect conservatives, and make sure the radical left never gains a foothold in Arkansas.”

Hiland currently works for Sanders’ gubernatorial campaign after he departed as chief counsel at the state Department of Public Safety, where he had worked since June 2021.

Photo: public domain


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