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Sarah Sanders Hits Dem-Gazette for “Double Standard”

“Republican Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Sarah Huckabee Sanders took aim at the Arkansas Democratic-Gazette (ADG) over what she deemed was a “double standard” between how the paper treats her versus her Democratic opponent. 

“Last week, the ADG printed an op-ed written by Sanders’ rival Chris Jones, who accused Sanders of being “absent” on the subject of education and raising the pay of teachers. 

“When I released my plan, I invited Sanders to participate in this important statewide conversation. Unfortunately, she’s still an unexcused absence on education at this time,” Jones wrote Thursday. 

“Well, according to Sanders, the ADG did not afford the same opportunity for her to lay out her education plan, telling her Twitter followers there’s a “reason Americans don’t trust the media….

READ MORE about Sanders’ dispute and what her opponent says at

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